LTF GM of Programs Chris Lacey speaks with Raf Epstein on the concern over the level of violence being committed by young people with dangerous weapons, calling for greater investment in early intervention so that kids do not pick up […]
Executive Director of Small Business Australia speaks with the ABC’s Ali Moore over research that is showing that Victoria is the most difficult state into which to do business, describing the desperate need for reform to remove the increasing costs […]
Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang joins 3AW’s Tony Moclair for Afternoons to discuss the reasons behind the drying up of casual positions and the issues faced by small business owners in hiring staff as they deal with […]
World leading communication and body language expert Dr Louise Mahler joins ABC Hobart’s Kylie Bartlett for Afternoons to unpack Biden’s post NATO press conference to discuss whether the US President has done enough to convince the American people that he […]
Dr Louise Mahler, one of the world’s leading experts in communication and body language joins ABC Melbourne’s Ali Moore for Drive to unpack the US Presidential candidates performance and to discuss whether Joe Biden should remain in the race as […]
CEO of Grounded Trust Land Advocacy speaks with RN Drive host Andy Park on the negative impact that short term accommodation providers such as Airbnb are having on the short-term rental market and why a ‘cap n trade’ system is […]
One of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors, Laura Press, chats about dealing with the build of resentments in our relationships in her regular spot for Saturday Breakfast
Grounded Community Land Trust Advocacy Managing Director Karl Fitzgerald speaks with the 6PR’s Oliver Petersen for Perth Live on the findings of his report into the impact of Airbnbs on the long-term rental market and why there is a desperate […]
Grounded Community Land Trust Advocacy Managing Director Karl Fitzgerald speaks with the ABC’s Raf Epstein for Mornings on the findings of his report into the impact of Airbnbs on the long-term rental market and why there is a desperate need […]
Rob Walker, Deputy President of the New South Wales Primary Principals Assoc. provides and update of the success of the NSWPPA’s ‘Anxiety Project’ in helping primary aged kids tackle feelings of anxiety to 2GB news.
Deputy President of the New South Wales Primary Principals Assoc. Rob Walker chats with the ABC’s Craig Reucassel for Sydney Breakfast on the effectiveness of ‘The Anxiety Project’ initiative instigated by the NSWPPA that works with teachers, parents and students […]
Small Business Australia Executive Director, Bill Lang speaks chats with ABC Sydney’s Mornings host Sarah MacDonald the small business response to the federal budget
Relationship counsellor Laura Press joins the ABC’s Sheridan Stewart for her regular chat on all thing’s relationships for ABC Sunshine Coast this week’s topic is how to find that important time for each other
Relationship counsellor Laura Press discusses the language of love with the ABC’s Sheridan Stewart in her regular spot for Weekend Breakfast
In her regular slot for Weekend Breakfast relationship counsellor Laura Press chats with the ABC’s Sheridan Stewart on the third wheels that are impacting our relationships
One of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors, Laura Press, speaks with the ABC’s Sheridan Stewart for Saturday Breakfast on the impact that anxiety is having on our relationships and how you can help support a partner who is struggling to cope. […]
Relationship Counsellor Laura Press speaks with the ABC Sunshine Coast in regular spot for Saturday Breakfast on issues couples in long-term relationships can face with intimacy when our wants can find themselves out of sync with each other
Relationship counsellor Laura Press chats with ABC Sunshine Coast on the need to look after your own mental health and wellbeing and the benefits to a relationship of finding of time for yourself and away from the noise of the […]
Relationship counsellor Laura Press chats with the ABC Sunshine Coast’s Sheridan Stewart on why December is known as ‘Dump month’ as relationship pressures rise.
One of the world’s leading experts in Sound Therapy, Rafaele Joudry chats with the ABC’s Kylie Baxter for Drive on the benefits that Sound Therapy can provide to children with behavioural disorders.
Check out the media coverage received by the Australian Primary Principals Association in their response to the ACU Principal’s Health & Wellbeing Report.
APPA President, Malcolm Elliott speaks with Deb Knight for 2GB Afternoons on the concerning rise in violence faced by school leaders and principals from students and parents following the release of the ACU’s School Principals Health and Wellbeing Survey […]
Aussie adventurer Dianne McGrath chats with 3AW’s Dee Dee Dunlevy for Afternoons on her upcoming plan to circumnavigate the globe and why she is driven to travel the planet and even head to the stars
Legendary youth worker and founder of the Les Twentyman Foundation, Les Twentyman joins Simon Owens and Gavin for 3AW Weekend Nights to talk about his 75th birthday, his life’s work and ongoing work of his foundation in helping in need […]
Expert in voice, body language and human behaviour Dr Louise Mahler chats with 3AW’s Dee Dee Dunlevy on why we are seeing a rise in people dodging the doorbell when people visit their home
Psychologist and Parentshop founder Michael Hawton chats with Ross and Russell for 3AW Breakfast on the concerning risen in anxiety in children and the Anxiety Project, a whole of school community approach to the issue created by Michael and launched […]
Psychologist and Parentshop founder chats with Gary Adshead for 6PR Morning on the concerning rise of anxiety in children and the steps being taken by the NSWPPA to roll out the Anxiety Project (created by Michael Hawton) which is a […]
As schools are set to return in Tasmania, President of the Australian Primary Principal’s Assoc. Malcolm Elliott speaks with Kim Napier for ABC Northern Tas Drive on the challenges faced by schools in 2023
President of the Australian Primary Principal’s Assoc. Malcolm Elliott chats with 3AW’s Dee Dee Dunlevy on why teachers are leaving education in record numbers
As the school year commences, Australian Primary Principals Assoc. President Malcolm Elliott speaks with ABC Brisbane’s Rebecca Levingston on the major issues facing education in Australia.
Amid the controversary surrounding the impact that separated bike lines in Melbourne’s CBD are having on businesses, Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang tells 3AW’s Dee Dee that there is less space available for delivery drivers in the city […]
Australia’s leading relationship counsellor Melissa Ferrari chats with Sam Makhoul on why singles can find it difficult to enter into a new relationship for the Higher Branch podcast
After 2-years of disruption to their education, President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. Malcolm Elliott speaks to ABC News Radio’s Chris Mitchell on the impact this has had to primary school aged children education and the development of their […]
Bill Lang, co-founder of the newly launched Victorians Party speaks with Steve Price for Australia Today on the reasons behind the party’s launch and their intention to take on the major parties at the November 2022 Victorian State election […]
Oscar Yildiz, one of the founders of the Victorians Party speaks with 3AW’s Tom Elliott on the reason why the Victorians Party has been founded and how the new centrist party will represent the millions of Victorians who have become […]
Bill Lang, one of the founders of the newly launched Victorians Party speaks with ABC Mornings Virginia Trioli on what the new centrist party stands for and their intention to tackle both Labor and Liberal across every seat at the […]
We could all do with a kindness in our life and Amber Wilkinson, founder of Kind is Cool, chats with ABC Drive’s Kylie Bartlett about how through being kind to ourselves and others can help improve our mental health and […]
Melissa Ferrari, one of the nation’s leading relationship counsellors, joins Fitzy and Wippa across NOVA FM to discuss why people seek help from a therapist for their relationship and takes the opportunity to provide Fitzy with an on air counselling […]
Emma White, founder of Why Meat Co joins Dee Dee and Grubby for a taste test of the Why Meat Co’s plant based party pies and sausage rolls and the verdict is in – these wonderful products taste as good, […]
Primary Principals Association boss says parents have ‘done a really great job’ with remote learning
Neil Mitchell chats with the President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. on the surprising positive NAPLAN results for Victorian school kids.
It has always been said that when it comes to love the ‘friend zone’ is not the place to be, that is a notion challenged by Australia’s leading relationship counsellor in her chat with Phillip Clark for ABC’s Nightlife. […]
Australia’s leading body language and voice expert, Dr. Louise Mahler speaks with Richard Glover for ABC Drive on the return to masks across Sydney and the impact to lifestyle as Sydney’s Delta outbreak see’s Greater Sydney locked down *CLIP UNAVAILABLE […]
Dr. Louise Mahler, Australia’s leading body language, voice and human behaviour expert has done it again, helping KISS FM’s Will and Woody to solve a 10-year old case of the missing ‘naughty nightstick’
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. Malcolm Elliott joins a panel discussion for ABC Weekend Breakfast on whether teachers should be vaccinated with other frontline workers Clip unavailable #vaccinations #COVID19
Australia’s leading relationship counsellor, Melissa Ferrari, joins RN Drive’s Patricia Kaverlas to chat about whether we need singles need to dump the Apps and return to ‘old school’ courting to help them find love in the modern age
Malcolm Elliott, president of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. speaks with ABC News Radio on the planned legislation from the Victorian government that will allow Principals to ban aggressive parents from the school grounds for a period of 14-days
The Executive Director of Small Business Australia joins @6PR’s Oliver Petersen on Perth Live to discuss whether we are seeing ‘political science’ rather than ‘health advice’ in the knee jerk lockdown of the city after only 2 local cases of […]
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Association, Malcolm Elliott joins ABC Hobart’s Lucy Breaden to discuss whether Tasmania needs to introduce similar ‘red card’ laws to Victoria, which would permit principals to ban aggressive parents from school campuses for […]
One of Australia’s leading child psychologists Michael Hawton chats with 6PR’s Oliver Petersen on the concerns being raised over the use of social media and its impact upon the mental health of children and teenagers.
With the Victorian government implementing ‘red card’ laws that will permit school principals to ban parents for a period or 14-days from school grounds, the Australian Primary Principals Assoc President Malcolm Elliott joins Oliver Petersen for Perth Live to discuss […]
Malcolm Elliott, President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. chats with 3AW’s Neil Mitchell on the insidious issue of unfounded online abuse of teachers and principals that is pushing many talented educators to leave the profession
Australia’s leading body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler chats with Kiss FM’s Will and Woody on the insights that she gleaned on the interactions of the Royal Family from the funeral of Prince Phillip
Australia’s leading body language and voice expert Dr Louise Mahler joins KIIS 101.1 Will and Woody as they throw on their detectives hat and attempt to solve the mystery of the missing Meghan Trainor CD
Australian charity head and Erica Myers-Davis council member of the Commonwealth Ex-Services League speaks with 2GB’s Ben Fordham on the friendship she formed with Prince Phillip, sharing stories of his great humour and contribution to charitable causes
Dr. Louise Mahler, Australia’s leading body language, voice and confidence expert chats with ABC’s Libby Gorr for ABC Weekends on whether you can ‘fake it until you make it’ when it comes showing gratitude, even if you are feeling disappointed […]
Psychotherapist and one of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors Melissa Ferrari joins Philip Clark for ABC Nightlife to discuss the difficulties of living with someone who has a physical or mental health issue
With school suspensions on the rise in children from Kindergarten through to the early years of Secondary College, the President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. Malcolm Elliott chats with ABC Sydney’s James Valentine for Afternoons
As Extinction Rebellion protestors plan to disrupt Melbourne’s CBD, the Executive Director of Small Business Australia Bill Lang tells Neil Mitchell that small traders in the CBD have suffered enough and calls on police, local council and the state government […]
Australia’s leading relationship counsellor, psychotherapist Melissa Ferrari discusses whether pheromones (how we smell) impact how we feel romantically about others in her chat with team from The Gap podcast
With 83% of school leaders experiencing offensive behaviour across the past 12-months, the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. President Malcolm Elliott speaks with Oliver Peterson across 6PR’s Perth Live on solutions to help create a safer working environment for teachers […]
The Australian Primary Principals President Malcolm Elliott agrees with 2GB’s Jim Wilson that attacks on teachers are unacceptable and that community attitudes must change, as they discuss the ACU’s and Deakin University report into the health and wellbeing of teachers […]
With respect being an issue discussed across Australia, the President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. Malcolm Elliott discusses the sobering statistics of offensive behaviour against teachers outlined in the ACU’s and Deakin University report on the health and wellbeing […]
The President of the Australian Primary Principal Association, Malcolm Elliott discusses the disturbing findings of the ACU and Deakin Universities report into the Health and Wellbeing of school leaders with Rebecca Levingstone Brisbane mornings
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Assoc. Malcolm Elliott chats with Anna Moulder on the concerns over the growing rates of anxiety in primary aged children for ABC Statewide Drive
One thing we can all relate to from the Harry and Meghan interview is how difficult it can be to manage family relationships, a topic explored by Australia’s leading relationship counsellor Melissa Ferrari with Lyrealla Couzens or ABC Darwin […]
Australia’s leading body language expert, Dr. Louise Mahler tells 3AW Afternoon’s Dee Dee Dunleavy that the Harry and Meghan interview was very well rehearsed and explores why Meghan is seen by so many as a difficult to like
As the COVID vaccine roles out across the nation, expert in people and behaviour Mark Carter explores with Lucy Breaden for ABC Drive on why so many Australians are expressing reticence in taking the shot, despite the widespread impact of […]
Australia’s leading body language expert Dr. Louise Mahler chats with 2CC breakfast host Stephen Cenatiempo on the interview that has the whole world talking after Harry and Meghan’s chat with Oprah lifted the lid on their relationship with the Royal […]
Australia’s leading relationship counsellor, Melissa Ferrari, joins Fitzy and Wippa’ to discuss whether it is ok for his wife to ask for an upgrade of her engagement ring
One of Australia’s leading relationship therapists, Melissa Ferrari – Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert chats with Paul Richards 1395FIVEaa Saturday Afternoons on all things #ValentinesDay and how Sherpa Delivery are helping to bring some love into the lives of those who need it
Ahead of Valentine’s Day Australia’s leading relationship counsellor and psychotherapist Melissa Ferrari speaks with 2SM’s Brent Bultitude on how right now many of us are in need of some love and that Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to share […]
Ahead of Valentine’s Day on Sunday, Australia’s leading relationship counsellor and psychotherapist Melissa Ferrari joins 2GB’s Ben Fordham to share some much needed love to someone who may not get a rose, with the same day delivery company Sherpa donating […]
One of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors, psychotherapist Melissa Ferrari, speak with 3AW’s Tom Elliott on whether Australian’s will be embracing Valentine’s Day this year, the answer in the main being that it depends on how long you have been a […]
Nine out of ten travel agents are facing imminent closure in April unless Jobkeeper is extended and additional financial support is forthcoming from State and Federal governments as the impact of travel bans bite hard. Bill Lang Executive Director of […]
Nine out of ten travel agents are facing imminent closure in April unless Jobkeeper is extended and additional financial support is forthcoming from State and Federal governments as the impact of travel bans bite hard. Bill Lang Executive Director of […]
Nine out of ten travel agents are facing imminent closure in April unless Jobkeeper is extended and additional financial support is forthcoming from State and Federal governments as the impact of travel bans bite hard. Bill Lang Executive Director of […]
Nine out of ten travel agents are facing imminent closure in April unless Jobkeeper is extended and additional financial support is forthcoming from State and Federal governments as the impact of travel bans bite hard. Bill Lang Executive Director of […]
With travel agents facing financial oblivion from the bans on international travel and domestic border closures Profile for Media is proud to support Small Business Australia‘s campaign to save our travel industry. With thanks to media outlets across the country who have given […]
The Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang, joins the 2CC Morning Show to call for greater support and protections for small business owners, with 1 in 3 in danger of closing permanently as they continue to struggle to […]
To smack or not to smack is a question parents have wrestled with for a generation and the topic of Michael Hawton, child psychologist and founder of Parentshop, discussion with Lucy Breaden for ABC Statewide Drive Tasmania
With 1 in 3 small businesses in danger of closure, the Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang joins Heidi Murphy for 3AW Drive to discuss the policies needed from both the State and Federal governments to get these […]
Why is it so hard to keep our resolutions each year – a topic explored by expert in human behaviour Mark Carter, in his chat with Joe Hilderbrand for Summer Afternoons on 2GB
The Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang chats with Shane McInnes for 3AW Drive on calls for employers to demand staff are vaccinated or risk being banned from the workplace.
Australia’s leading psychotherapist and relationship counsellor Melissa Ferrari chats with Joe Hilderbrand for 2GB Summer Afternoons on the difficulties of dealing with disappointment in this COVID impacted Christmas that will keep us from seeing close friends and loved one’s
As the government prepares for the roll out of vaccines across the country to help combat the coronavirus one of the world’s leading supply chain experts and founder of Prophit Systems Tim Gray chats with Adam Stephen for across ABC […]
Tim Gray, founder of Prophit Systems and one of the nation’s leaders in logistics chats with Narelle Graham for ABC SA on how many in regional may face a long wait for the coronavirus vaccine, with some perhaps not seeing […]
One of Australia’s leading child psychologist and founder of the behavioural change website Parentshop, Michael Hawton, speaks with the host of News Talk Radio 6PR Mornings, Gareth Parker on the rise in anxiety in children and discusses actions that parents and […]
Human behaviour expert Mark Carter chats with Lucy Breaden for Abc Hobart Drive on the addictive nature of social media, the techniques big tech use to keep you hooked to your device and what you can do to break the addiction to social media […]
Host of 2GB 873 – Sydney Talk Radio Drive Jim Wilson reads out comments from Malcolm Elliott’s, the President of the Australian Primary Principal Association from the Daily Telegraph on the rise in mental health issues affecting teenagers ahead of his interview with […]
Host of 2GB 873 – Sydney Talk Radio Drive Jim Wilson reads out comments from Malcolm Elliott’s, the President of the Australian Primary Principal Association from the Daily Telegraph on the rise in mental health issues affecting teenagers ahead of his interview with […]
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Association Association Malcolm Elliott chats with Lucy Breaden on the concerning findings that 1 in 7 teenage children have been diagnosed with a mental health issue with 1 in 13 currently on medication for anti-depressants.
As rates of anxiety reach record levels in young Australians, child psychologist Michael Hawton, founder of the nation’s leading behavioural change website Parentshop, speaks with Jim Wilson for 2GB 873 – Sydney Talk Radio Drive on the need to better […]
Founder of the behavioural change website Parentshop and one of Australia’s leading child psychologists Michael Hawton speaks with 3AW Breakfast Ross and Russel over the actions parents, teachers and other key figures in a child’s life can take to help ease their […]
As office workers begin a slow return to Melbourne’s CBD, the Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang tells Phil Johnstone from ABC News that the number of workers allowed to return, that it has been a conservative decision […]
Australia’s leading relationship counsellor, Melissa Ferrari chats with Fiona Parker for ABC Central Victoria on how Christmas will be, like most things in 2020, a little different this year as families deal with the restrictions and constant changing world that […]
As Victoria reopens for business Executive Director of Small Business Australia speaks with ABC radio news on the need for ongoing financial support for small business owners from government as they look to rebuild their businesses that have been closed […]
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Association, Malcolm Elliott chats with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart Drive on remembering the teachers that have influenced our lives and the opportunity that World Teachers Day gives to say thanks to those […]
With Victorian businesses finally being given the green light to reopen after weeks of lockdown the Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang talks to the great relief of business owners across the city in a grab for ABC […]
Bill Lang, Executive Director of Small Business Australia provides a grab to ABC Radio News Melbourne on the frustration that business owners are feeling in Melbourne following the decision of the Victorian government to keep business closed as they review […]
Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang, speaks with Tom Elliott following the Victorian Premiers announcement that businesses can reopen in the State from Midnight Tuesday, whilst welcoming the positive step forward, Bill reminds listeners that many businesses have […]
One of Australia’s leading experts in logistics and planning and founder of Prophit Systems, Tim Gray discusses the continuing crisis around the availability of seasonal workers for harvest and picking season with Narelle Graham for ABC North West SA […]
Executive Director of Small Business Australia outlines the disappointed response of small business to the decision of the Victorian government to keep businesses in lockdown
Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang, discusses with 2GB’s Jim Wilson on Drive the intent behind the Victoria – Let’s Be Open campaign to get Victorian businesses open for trade to combat the growing economic catastrophe that is […]
As the Victorian Premier announces a new plan ahead out of lockdown, Executive Director of Small Business Australia outlines that the Victoria – Let’s Be Open campaign main priority is to provide certainty to business and to get businesses in […]
From brawls, arguments to tantrums, school holidays can be a tough time for parents and Michael Hawton who is one Australia’s leading child psychologists and founder of the world leading parenting site Parentshop chats with ABC Hobart’s Lucy Breaden on […]
Psychotherapist and one of Australia’s leading relationship counsellors Melissa Ferrari joins Philip Clarke on ABC Nightlife to chat about the important topic of how to recognise a mental health issue in your partner and if noted, how to help them.
Australia’s leading body language expert and vocal specialist Dr. Louise Mahler discusses the fall out from the chaotic US Presidential debate with ABC Hobart’s Lucy Breaden
It was the debate that left heads shaking and millions of Americans despairing at the choice of candidates for the impending Presidential elections and Australia’s leading body language expert and vocal specialist Dr. Louise Mahler discusses all the drama with […]
Following the most chaotic and outrageous Presidential debate in history, Australia’s leading body language and vocal expert Dr. Louise Mahler breaks down the drama for 3AW’ Tom Elliott and the Drive audience
Melissa Ferrari Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert chats with Mel Bush on ABC Hobart on the impact of lockdown on our relationships and how Spring is the perfect time to renew and re-energise our relationships
One of Australia’s leading psychotherapists Melissa Ferrari discusses with ABC Central’s James Findlay about how to select a friend for your COVID bubble and the potential issues that may be raised on who you select and who you may say […]
As the Northern Territory charters flights to bring in workers form the South Pacific to save the mango season, one of the world’s leading supply chain experts, Prophit Systems founder Tim Gray, warns farmers in North Queensland that they may be facing […]
With the grain harvest due and the stone fruit season about to commence in South Australia, one of Australia’s leading supply chain experts, Prophit Systems founder Tim Gray, discusses solutions to the labour shortages that has the potential to cripple […]
It’s berry season in Tasmania and with a shortage of around 4000 workers due to border closures and bans on international pickers, Australia’s leading supply chain expert Tim Gray founder of Prophit Systems is warning that there is a real risk that […]
One of the world’s leading experts in supply chain planning, Prophit Systems Founder Tim Gray, warns of a looming crisis during the Spring harvest for farmers and Australia’s fresh food supplies due to Labour shortages caused by border closures and a reduction […]
Early Learning Specialist Jill Sweatman – Child Learning Strategist chats with ABC Hobart’s Lucy Breaden on why it is important to help our kids create their own ‘portfolio of life’ by stepping out of their comfort zone and experiencing life from multiple perspectives,it […]
With small business in Victoria crippled by the lockdown and curfew measures put into place by the Victorian government to combat the coronavirus, Executive Director of Small Business Australia speaks with 3AW’s Tom Elliott on his frustrations with the unfair […]
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari chats with Rod Quinn for @abcovernights discussing long distance relationships and the impact of COVID
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari chats with Sam Makhoul for his ‘A Higher Branch’ podcast on the hard work needed to create a safe, secure, supportive & successful relationship
Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang discusses the concerns of Small Business should the State government be granted its wish to extend the State of Emergency by 3-months with 3AW Drive with Tom Elliott
Neuroscience and Early Learning specialist Jill Sweatman discusses with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart on whether the time parents have spent educating their children at home during the COVID crisis has helped to improve the fracturing relationship between teachers, schools and parents […]
Melissa Ferrari – Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert discusses with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart on whether a business can stamp out workplace romances with a policy or should they get more creative and permit consensual relationships
Australia’s leading body language and voice coach, Dr Louise Mahler, chats with Rick Hind for ABC Darwin Mornings on how well the leaders are cutting through on their message to the voters ahead of this weekend’s NT elections.
Tasmania may have a moat between itself and the mainland, but this will not protect the state from shortages caused by reductions in production to Victoria’s distribution centres according to one of the nations supply chain specialists, Tim Gray, in […]
Supply chain specialist and founder of Prophit Systems Tim Gray discusses with Tom Elliott the likelihood of produce and product shortages across the nation caused by the winding down of capacity at crucial distribution centres as part of Victoria’s stage […]
With stage 4 lockdowns to be implemented Bill Lang, Executive Director of Small Business Australia describes Victoria as the ‘State of failure’ in his chat with Tom Elliott for 3AW Drive on the devastating impact that this harsh lockdown will […]
Australia’s leading body language expert, Dr. Louise Mahler chats with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart Drive on why people make the decision to behave poorly, even in the face of a deadly pandemic.
Executive Director of Small Business Australia Bill Lang debates with Tom Elliott for 3AW Drive on the merits of a stage 4 lockdown on Victorian businesses, warning it will lead to the loss of hundreds of thousands of small businesses […]
Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang discusses the plight of businesses in Victoria and the risks to employment across the country unless the federal government makes changes to the support measures they have in place for COVID affected […]
With so much happening in the world around our kids, from the bushfires, pandemics, remote learning, child psychologist and founder of Parentshop, Michael Hawton discusses how to talk to our kids and help them through what is the most anxious […]
With hundreds of thousands of Aussie small businesses close to going under Bill Lang, Executive Director of Small Business Australia discusses the need for extended stimulus and protection against bankruptcy for owners of the over 2 million small businesses in […]
Jill Sweatman discusses how excessive exposures to screens is impacting the learning ability of children and the need for parents to restrict access to this technology with Lucy Breaden for ABC Hobart Drive
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari discusses the traumatic impact that infidelity can have on our lives with Indira Naidoo for Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Nightlife
The Les Twentyman Foundation outreach youth worker Gum Mamur talks with Richelle Hunt on the ABC Radio Australia’s Conversation Hour on the concerning mental health impacts on residents during Melbourne’s lockdown of social housing
Gum Mamur, Outreach Youth Worker with the Les Twentyman Foundation discusses some of the distressing issues faced by residents in public housing as they endure the hard lockdown being enforced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus with Richelle Hunt […]
Melissa Ferrari – Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert discusses the “tough conversations” that regional Victorian’s are having with friends and family in Melbourne, as they ask them to not visit as the city a 2nd lockdown with ABC Central Victoria Breakfast
As the nation comes under cyber attack business technology expert and futurist Steve Sammartino discuses with Lucy Breaden from ABC Hobart what we can do to keep ourselves and our privacy safe from these global hackers
Les Twentyman Foundation Outreach Youth worker Gum Mamur discuses with Richelle Hunt and Warwick Long how parents can discuss the devastating impact of violence with their children for the ABC’s conversation hour.
Futurist and business tech expert Steve Sammartino chats with Kia Handley at ABC Newcastle on what our homes will be like in the future
How important is touch and how much will we miss it in our socially distant world… A topic psychotherapist and relationship counsellor Melissa Ferrari discusses with Phil Clark and the ABC Nightlife audience.
Executive Director of Small Business Australia Bill Lang discusses the impact of lockdown and the need for change with Australia’s bankruptcy laws with Tom Elliott for 3AW Drive
Small Business Australia calls for changes to Australia’s harsh bankruptcy laws impacted by COVID-19
The Executive Director of Small Business Australia, Bill Lang discusses the impact that small business is facing from the measures to contain the coronavirus and the need for protection from bankruptcy laws with 6PR’s Oliver Peterson
Bill Lang the Executive Director of Small Business Australia discusses how small business is suffering amidst the impact of lockdown, closed borders and social distancing with Steve Austin for ABC Brisbane Drive
What will ownership look like in the future? A topic explored by futurist Steve Sammartino with Kia Handley for ABC Newcastle
Bill Lang, Executive Director of Small Business Australia discusses the dire future of small businesses in Australia, with over 500,000 expected to close their doors in the wake of the coronavirus
The President of the Australian Primary Principals Association, Malcolm Elliott calls for principals and school leaders to be included in discussions around the re-opening of schools across the country for ABC Radio Hobart
How will Australian’s privacy change in the wake of the coronavirus, a topic explored by Steve Sammartino with Luke Grant for Australia Overnights Radio 3AW
Is the governments new coronavirus tracking App a threat to privacy or needed for social good, a topic Australia’s leading futurist Steve Sammartino discusses with ABC Newcastle’s Kris Handley.
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor, Melissa Ferrari, discusses with Piia Wirsu for ABC Hobart Drive how the stress of being in lockdown is impacting our relationships and some tips on how we can support each other and use this time to […]
Australia’s leading futurist Steve Sammartino discusses what a post-COVID will look like with Steve and Baz for 6PR breakfast
Melissa Ferrari – Psychotherapist & Relationship Expert discusses how lockdown has the potential to place a great strain on our relationships, yet it also is an opportunity for reconnection with FIVEaa’s Tony Pilkington
Founder of the Les Twentyman Foundation and social justice warrior Les Twentyman discusses how charities are preparing for a social crisis as COVID-19 sends the nation into lockdown
Malcom Elliott president of the Australian Primary Principals Association discusses the impacts that school closures would have on the education of our children with Lucy Breaden on Drive for ABC Hobart Radio. Listen from 1:22
Futurist and Business Technology expert Steve Sammartino delves into the future of sick leave in a changing economy with Kia Handley at ABC Mornings Newcastle
Australia’s leading body language expert, Dr Louise Mahler unpacks the Super Tuesday results from the US Democratic primaries and answers the question, can anyone defeat Donald Trump for Lucy Breaden on ABC Hobart Drive (listen from 49:20)
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 1:22
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 1:13:30
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 44.14
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 1:12:59
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 15:07
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 2:21
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children. Listen from 27:39
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children.
The Australian Primary Principals Association had terrific coverage across metro and regional radio nationally including the ABC, 3AW and 6PR on the release of their data into childhood anxiety in primary aged children.
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari chats about how you can make long-distance love work with Indira Naidoo for ABC Nightlife
Tinder is the night club of the 21st century and how cuddly is a robotic exoskeleton all topics covered by futurist Steve Sammartino as he discusses the future of dating with Ross and John for 3AW Breakfast… Listen from 25:35
Food and relationships is a hot topic with Australia keen to find out more from the TasteBudTrueLove campaign and Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari joined the Bec and Cosi breakfast show to discuss the research on how food choices […]
Nothing more important than knowing the do’s and the don’ts when it comes to Valentine’s Day, which is why Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa Ferrari stepped in today for the Wave FM audience
Online dating expert Tiffany Villaluz discusses how Valentine’s Day is a day where those seeking love are particularly susceptible to romance scammers with Lucy Breaden on ABC Hobart Drive… Tiff joins Lucy from 49:44
Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor Melissa joins Cassie McCullagh on ABC Focus to discuss how scammers are now targeting online game sites, like Scrabble and Words with Friends to lure unsuspecting victims into romance scams and Melissa joins the program from […]
Powerful interview by Jill Sweatman on how you wouldn’t let your child smoke cigarettes if they were younger than eighteen-years-old, so why would you let them play video games that are R18+ restricted?
Futurist and Business Tech expert Steve Sammartino discusses how automation in the retail sector will lead to check-out free supermarkets within the next decade with Ross and John on 3AW Breakfast
Futurist and Business Tech expert Steve Sammartino explores how far technology has come over the past decade as we enter 2020 for 3AW.
Gaming is a growing issue and neuroscience and early learning specialist Jill Sweatman discusses it’s impacts and what steps parents should be taking to protect their children from not only the games, but the in game advertising with Perth’s 6PR.
What jobs are the highest risk of disappearing in the future? Business Tech and Futurist, Steve Sammartino explores with Tom Elliott for 3AW Drive.
Futurist and Business Tech expert Steve Sammartino discusses Apple’s latest launch of the iPhone 11 with Ross and John for 3AW Breakfast
It was a major craze and nearly everyone jumped onto the ageing App FaceApp until Business Tech expert and futurist Steve Sammartino joined 2GB’s Ben Fordham discussing Russia’s links to the App and serious privacy concerns.
So how do you know if your relationship is over? Melissa Ferrari psychotherapist and relationship counsellor speaks to The Split host Mandy Nolan on the signs to look for that will tell you that your relationship may be coming to […]
Allergies are on the increase and would you know what to do if they struck someone close to you, Paramedic Paul joins Brent across the 2SM Super Network, discussing why allergies are on the rise and provides some handy tips […]
Documentary maker, film and tv producer Eve Ash discusses the plight of Sue Neill-Fraser who she believes has been wrongly convicted for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell with Phillip Clark on ABC Nightline.
Paramedic Paul gives some insight on the stress and trauma emergency workers deal with as part of the job with Brent across the 2SM Super Network.
After 16 years as a paramedic and trauma counsellor, Paramedic Paul joins Brent to discuss the life of a paramedic.
Futurist and Business Technology expert Steve Sammartino joins The World Today with the latest in tech: with China unveiling the world’s first AI news anchor and Facebook yet again launching another copycat app.
Human Behaviour expert Mark Carter chats with Brent Bultitude across the 2SM Super Network on whether online guru’s are frauds or the real deal.